Graphic Art: Swan Mirror (2008)

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The final A4 illustration and original 2008 pencil sketch, which was finally to be an etching aquatint graphic work (2009). It is 21×31 cm and there are about 10 prints with slightly different tones.

This scene depicts a story set in the Springbringer fantasy world.

The layout construction was inspired by the legendary Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress (1982) role-playing game box’s panoramic artwork (the game was released by Sierra On-Line Inc. / SierraVenture).


Another graphic print of Swan Mirror (Proof Series ][) on a more reddish tone than the one above which is more yellow.


Above is a deleted scene from the post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi film Soulweaver: Requiem for Earth (2017).

Lithograph: A Land of Shadows (2009)

varjojenmaa varjojenmaa2

Pencil sketch 21x29cm, Varjojen maa in Finnish. Final sketch above right and below the lithograph proof. The original drawing has a psychedelic concept of a giant swan creature with legs and huge sharp nails. The final fantasy scene has a curious flower-like deer-faced giant meeting a black swan on a dried-out sea bottom.

This is part of the Springbringer fantasy world.
